Nusa Resto

Feel Boring to go on a date in Jakarta? Always get a bad traffic jam just to have a dinner with your mate? I give one of the best recommendation places to go 🙂

1 papan nama

Nusa Karamba/Nusa Resto is a romantic place to have a private dinner, because it offers beautiful views from the sea, and you can fish your dishes for yourself. They have made a public space for customers to fishing bandeng fish, but you have to pay it about Rp 50.000/2kg. It is located in Pramuka Island (Kab. Kepulauan Seribu). You can take a ship from Muara Angke Port to Pramuka Island, you just have to spend Rp 35.000 for each tickets.

3 jauh malam

2 side

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As you have seen in the picture, their interiors have a unique design which is made by wood and build above the clean water. Another featured in Nusa Resto is you can get free WI-FI and automatic cash debit for BCA debit card. What a good facilities!

7 kapal malam kapal kayu gede

Unfortunately, in Nusa Karamba Island doesn’t offer hotels or motels for their customers and tourists. But you don’t have to worry; you can take a boat to Pramuka Island (Rp 8.000 to pay the boat) which offered you hotels and motels in about Rp 400.000- Rp 600.000/night.

So how is it? With low price you can get another atmosphere dinner that totally different in Jakarta and may be your date will love you more.


3 thoughts on “Nusa Resto

  1. Alfira Marsya Agustina

    Hmmm that such a good place to go, but i don’t think people do want to go there only a couple alone.. The place is kinda creepy, isn’t it? Or it is just me..? But it still a good place to hang out with your close friends, and also bring your mate and their mates, i guess? :p Nice enough to try, i think. Thank you, den!

  2. Noer Faryza Sanie

    Hmm maybe if you and your mate love adventure, you both would like to come and see this place. But yeah I think I also agree with Alfi, I will bring my friends or family to come to this place. Cool recommendation den!

  3. Anisa Sulistyorini Pratiwi

    Kepulauan Seribu can offer us a different atmosphere indeed. Since it appears as an island near to Jakarta, it has always been one of the options to go to. It might be a good place to go if once couples want to experience different place on dating.

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